Picture of front clock at Orsay Museum - View of the Louvre Museum through the clock - Free Photo by Paris-pictures.com - see the best of Paris

Please find our Orsay Museum pictures gallery - Once a train statio the building features on its front to large clocks - You can visit it from inside.

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Orsay Museum :: Photo Orsay Museum clock


Photo of Orsay Museum great clock

You can not miss the two impressive front clocks on the street side facing the Louvre museum and the Seine river. One is located at the floor level just before the impressionist gallery ... You can see the Louvre museum and the Jardin des Tuileries through the clock - The other one can be admire in the restaurant (That worth well a visit for its unique decor). Why clocks on a museum ? Because Orsay was once one of the most important train station serving Paris

Orsay Museum Pictures

Hercules the Archer

Antoine Bourdelle sculpture

Age of Maturity

Scupture by Camille Claudel

Rodin sculpture

Age of Bronze statue

Dr Gachet by Van Gogh

One of the Van Gogh paintings

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Photo of Orsay Museum clock ® Guillaume Duchene

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Picture of Orsay museum clock

Other photo of Orsay Museum on this website : Dr Gachet Portrait by Van Gogh : Age of Bronze by Rodin

History of Orsay Museum building : From 1900 to 1939, the Gare d'Orsay was the head of the southwestern French railroad network. After 1939, the station had become too short for the modern, longer trains that appeared with the progressive electrification of the railroads. In 1975, the Direction des Musées de France already considered installing a new museum in the train station, in which all of the arts from the second half of the 19th century would be represented. The Orsay Museum opened its doors Dec 9th 1986.